Your Vision is Our Focus


Welcome To Motiveyes Eye Care

Our mission is to revitalize the way you receive eye care. We do this well by practicing preventative eye care with a focus on patient education, empowerment and the highest standard of patient care, all while creating a fun and relaxing experience for all of our patients at our office. 

WHAT WE OFFER Featured Services


Comprehensive Eye Exams

Our practice focuses on a thorough examination of the entire eye health, addressing all of your concerns and educating you on how to maintain the best ocular health possible.

Dry Eye Management Center

Are you amongst the estimated half of all U.S. Adults experiencing signs and symptoms of Dry Eye Disease (DED)?!

You do not need to suffer anymore! At Motiveyes Eye Care, we go beyond just the surface!

Surgical Co-management

We pride ourselves in continued education about the latest surgical interventions and treatments available for various ocular conditions.

Medical Eye Exams

There are many ocular conditions that affect the front surface of the eye, that if not treated appropriately, can cause significant discomfort in the least, and visual loss at the worst.

Myopia Management

Certified Myopia Management Center

Emergency Eye Care

If you are experiencing an eye emergency in the Plano, TX area, we can help. Just give us a call.

Comprehensive Eye Exam

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Dry Eye Management

Dry Eye Management Center

Surgical Co-management

Surgical Co-management

Medical Eye Exams

Medical Eye Exams

Myopia Management

Myopia Management

Emergency Eyecare

Emergency Eye Care


Water and palm leaves
Assorted green plants

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